Tag: Dystopia

Film Study: The Fifth Element
Mr Waugh’s Notes: Features of Dystopia: CENTRAL ANTIHERO CHARACTER FUTURE CORRUPTED BY ELEMENTS RECOGNISABLE IN CURRENT SOCIETY Quit smoking dispenser FILM-MAKING TECHNIQUES QUOTES: “Time not important. Only life important” “Evil begets evil, Mr President – …

Future Dystopia – Descriptive Writing Task
Write a description of a world that is set in the future and where a key aspect of civilisation has gone awry.

Future Dystopia – Relative Clauses
A Grammar for Writing exploration of the use of relative clauses to enhance descriptive writing

Future Dystopia – Adverbials
A Grammar for Writing exploration of the use of adverbials to enhance descriptive writing

Future Dystopia – Noun Phrases
A Grammar for Writing exploration of the use of Noun Phrases to enhance descriptive writing

Future Dystopia: Prepositions
A Grammar for Writing exploration of the use of prepositions to enhance descriptive writing